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05 – Jobs of the future – Keeping each other safe

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05 – Jobs of the future – Keeping each other safe

Jobs of the future, plus more useful things to know and do for all the employers, contractors and job seekers in the Spinifex community


Here’s what we’ve seen, heard and talked about this week:

  • Where the jobs are

  • How do we prepare for growth on the other side?

  • Staying safe, keeping others safe

Where the jobs are

Right now, we have a number of job opportunities in the following sectors and locations across NSW and VIC. Over 30% of those jobs are in the Construction sector.

For more information, take a look at our current job opportunities

Also check out the Australian Government Jobs Hub

How do we prepare for growth on the other side?

Economic and social analysts are telling us that when we emerge on the other side of COVID-19, the way we work and live will be changed.

Although we cannot predict those changes, we can head in the right direction by asking ourselves some critical questions:

  • Where will the jobs of the future be?

  • What will we have to do differently?

  • Where are the opportunities to do things better?

Right now, we’re seeing indicators that on the other side of COVID-19, there may be increased demand for skilled workers in a number of industries and sectors, such as:

  • Advanced manufacturing and automation

  • Agribusiness

  • Commercialisation of research and development (R&D)

  • Cloud-based corporate service and productivity platforms

  • Construction, particularly infrastructure and home improvement

  • Data science

  • Digital and tele-service delivery

  • Ecommerce

  • Emarketing

  • Emerging technology such as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, robotics, wearables that monitor health etc.

  • Energy and water services

  • Essential services such as the police force, health services, aged care, teaching, social assistance and food services

  • Government innovation at local, state and national levels

  • Marine science

  • Medical and health technologies and pharmaceuticals

  • Mining equipment technology services

  • Remote learning and work technology

  • Renewable energy

  • Software engineering

  • Supply chain and logistics

  • Surveillance systems

  • Textile, clothing and footwear

  • Transport, postal and warehousing

  • Waste management

What employers will look for may also change. The fourth industrial revolution has been reshaping the skills we need in a modern economy for a number of years. Now COVID-19 has accelerated demand for these skills, such as:

  • Adaptiveness

  • Cognitive flexibility

  • Collaboration and coordinating with others

  • Communication

  • Complex problem solving

  • Creativity

  • Critical thinking

  • Customer service orientation

  • Data analysis

  • Digital fluency and confidence

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Evidenced-based decision making

  • Forecasting / predicting

  • Institutional knowledge management

  • Judgement and decision making

  • Negotiation

  • People management

  • Service orientation

  • Social collaboration

Learn more about what the challenges and opportunities created by the collision of COVID-19 with fourth industrial revolution

Now is not the time to relax


We’re all proud of the way our communities are flattening the curve, but the rise in the COVID-19 growth factor to 1.11 on 25 April reminds us that staying safe and keeping others safe is still the priority:

  • Stay at home unless you are: shopping for what you need, receiving medical care, exercising or travelling to work or education

  • If you must go out, keep 1.5 metres away from others

  • Wash hands and use hand sanitiser regularly

  • If you have respiratory symptoms including a cough, get tested

  • Take care of your physical and mental health

  • Look out for one another

  • Stay informed

It’s also important that employers continue to keep their people safe by adhering to the National COVID-19 Workplace Principles released by the government on 24 April

Scott C Small

Victoria Bila

Managing Director

Group Manager – Operations

Andrew Egan

Damien O’Donnell

Group Manager – Regional Operations

Group Manager – Regional & Executive

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